1971 >> February >> Pictures From Brad And Nancy Cooks Collection  

Pictures from Brad and Nancy Cook's Collection

Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", February 1971, page 9

Picture #1 (left to right)

1. BOSTON BOTTLE - screw top - 4 segmented threads Pat appd for.
2. BOSTON BOTTLE - 4 segmented threads - 6/16 wide wire groove - Pat appd for.
3. Same as above, only has 9/16 wire groove and stands 3/16 inch taller.
4. Looks like Boston, only it says CHESTER. It has a chip, so only other embossing is St. N. Y. Patented. As you can see in picture, the dome is narrow also. Measures 3" wide by 4-1/4" high. Has inner skirt with embossing on it - 4 segment.
5. Barrel Boston like in Tibbitts book.
6. Beehive Boston - 4 segment - Pat appd for.
7. No name - has full threads - like one in "Insulators" June 1969, pg. 20.
8. Three segment - no inner skirt - has flat collar embossed Pat. Oct. 15 1872.
9. Same as #8, only embossing is larger.
10. Same as #1, only deep green.

Picture #2 "A Few Ears" (left to right) 

1. Oakman Columbia
2. Hemi Columbia drip points
3. No name - blue aqua helmet CD #308
4. Same, only little larger and lime green.
5. Green #100 CD #308
6. Hemi Columbia
7. Pat. 1891 Columbia.

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